Feb 3, 2014

[anuStar] devlog ~01: and hipon's 2014 greeting

Hi guys,

hipon's here, a lot of things have happened and *unfinished...* in 2013. Stellar's latest game, PIXLE II, has been completed its development phase and we're still looking for sponsor right now, if everything goes smooth, the game will be released Q1 this year.

Actually, I wasn't much involved in development of PIXLE II, I was focusing in porting Koutack to iOS and for a newbie mobile programmer like me, it's really time consuming and sometimes, it gets reaaally boring because I work with optimization most of the time.

And for the other members, they usually have a lot of freetime after development phase is done.Well, to tell you the truth, I also have some spare time these days.

So, what am I doing in my spare time? please take a look at a gif below..

(some assets credited to Gunstar Heroes and artists at pixeljoint)

the details will be posted later! :D
