Feb 26, 2014

[anuStar] devlog ~04: Finding Harmony

Last week was quite tough, it's not because we worked really hard, if we look at the current build it may look quite stagnant compared to last week *at least, gameplay wise*. Actually, it's tough because I was tweaking the game balance, level design, etc and it seems I will keep tweaking this until it feels right.

Like I said before, this game overall style takes a lot of inspirations from one of Treasure's games, Gunstar Heroes. However, after I implemented the spawning system, it turns out to be very different, which is good! But, since the feel now differs from Gunstar Heroes, I can't use some techniques from Gunstar Heroes, I need to develop my own, in other words, I need to work harder XD.

I guess that's all for today, I don't really have much to reveal right now, even though the game might be different compared to first time I potrayed in my head, my goal still be the same, the gameplay will be chaotic, boss-heavy, and very retro :D

thumbs up from Goey

see you next time!


Feb 16, 2014

[anuStar] devlog ~03: TL;DR on visuals

Ah, Saturday. My turn to post some updates here...

What have been done so far (by visual)...
This post contains many awesome interesting graphics and less texts, so get ready.




 Character/world concepts

Character concept came from a walk in a flooded road, we brought umbrella with us and i thought an umbrella would be a great idea for the character. Then, "parasol" word came to me, then "sol" as in "sun" for the elemental aspect of the main character, thus is fire, and flamethrower. I gave him name "Sol" for ease of use, though maybe there is already too much character named Sol, out there, haha.

That's all unintentional, were randomly picked, came naturally. Also as we don't bother much/picky (yet) with story, i go for my instinct and current interest. As for the enemies, i plan to make them using water-related elements/ symbolism. So it will be like fire vs water.

Some sprites done


(used and work in progress)


Early test of tileset/map mock, at first i thought i would revamp Plato project and used the characters and turn them to a bit futuristic, but hipon disagreed with that, but without world concept, i was getting hard time getting idea for the assets, then hipon said "Just make simple a grassland tile." Oh k den, lol.

But later when i came up with umbrella guy concept, hipon came up with city ruins, i came up with sunset and jellyfish.

And here is one of the latest mock screen i made, the color still need correction and tilesets still ineffective. I'm working on it right now.





Bonus GIFs

 goeyranger dance for the lulz by reijubv

We got help from reijubv for this project as additional spriter, so i got more time to focus on other things like tilesets and such. Last week i got sick and couldn't really contribute anything so i just dump all old things available, next week hopefully will show significant change. Well this concludes it, i hope we could interest you more with this amount of stuff today. See you next week! (hopefully in time too)

~Laz out!

...oh another GIF bonus for ya, because i'm awesome. :P
slowly showing even more custom(crappy)placeholder, better than ripped placeholders though..

Feb 9, 2014

[anuStar] devlog ~02: The Origin of anuStar

Helloo, it's been a week since I revealed project anuStar for the first time here. Actually we've created a devlog thread on tigsource and we update regularly. However, since I can't leave this blog empty, I should write something on here too...and you can follow me @ricolemba to get extra updates there :D

Actually, I started this project as a side-project, I was playing Gunstar Super Heroes at that time and really enjoyed it. I think I haven't said this, but I'm really obsessed with level design and Treasure's games really excel in that, and I haven't made any game that focuses on level design since Sword of August. I was thinking, it's been a long time, why don't I try making another one? then I made a prototype and Lazcht finally want to take a part. After that, this game now becomes one of stellarNull's official project. yeahh!

This game will mainly focus on level design and boss battles, I try to add unique elements to the game and at the same time I try to not too depend on gimmick. We will mostly innovate in level design, boss design and of course art direction and audio.

We haven't gave a lot of thought about the storyline and I don't think we will add story that much. I originally planned this game to be classic style sidescroller, but we'll see in the future!

I guess that's all I could share for now, see you next time!

Feb 3, 2014

[anuStar] devlog ~01: and hipon's 2014 greeting

Hi guys,

hipon's here, a lot of things have happened and *unfinished...* in 2013. Stellar's latest game, PIXLE II, has been completed its development phase and we're still looking for sponsor right now, if everything goes smooth, the game will be released Q1 this year.

Actually, I wasn't much involved in development of PIXLE II, I was focusing in porting Koutack to iOS and for a newbie mobile programmer like me, it's really time consuming and sometimes, it gets reaaally boring because I work with optimization most of the time.

And for the other members, they usually have a lot of freetime after development phase is done.Well, to tell you the truth, I also have some spare time these days.

So, what am I doing in my spare time? please take a look at a gif below..

(some assets credited to Gunstar Heroes and artists at pixeljoint)

the details will be posted later! :D
