I've been thinking to share my old gamedev stuff since that's too good to be wasted or just gone without even being noticed by ppl....*writes blog*....... i was wanted to post a post mortem of an old game project but ended up writing long story of mine before i decided to dive gamedev industry, lol so okay.. *changes the blog title*I will share my own story--how i become a professional game developer. (my pro meaning = make games as living, just in case ppl refer it as 'veteran').
What makes me into games/ game development
1. Childhood interest
Back years, under age of 10, mom bought us (me and clea) NES and i can only play 30 min every weekends, weekday is a no for video games, we had to study she said.As sibling we have to share stuff like console, TV and anything, so we both have to wait until one finished or a timeout to play, or we sometimes just play 2P games to avoid quarrels over a console.
I was envious of other ppl out there who can play whatever time they want, but later i noticed, if it was easy to get like that, i won't be craving out for video games like now haha.
Until now, video games means so much to me, i grown up and live with them.
2. Asset making games, RPG Maker
At PSX era, i played some games involving "drawing in pixel" such as Wild Arms, it allows us to draw skill icons used in battle, it was so fun (though my drawings were so bad, still it's my custom creation lol) and anyone remember how Saga Frontier, or even mainstream games like Tales of Destiny, Final Fantasy 7, can change the layout menu color/ fonts by personally setting the RGB? And some mecha/robot games allows us to draw our own crest by pixelling it out. I kinda love games with a little trivial details like that haha.At the same era, we both played RPG Maker in PSX, we start to figure out how RPG can be made, eventing, building maps, database, managing assets, even drawing assets. These experiences made me (in present time) feel familiar with game making process, though it's too little comparing to reality, but it has similar essence, just like an appetizer before dealing with the main thing.
3. Chance meeting the first game development team
I kind of forget how i knew RPG Maker in PC, but i was addicted to it, A LOT. I was only pure a hobbyist and curious youth (yeah i was a teenager back then haha), i wasn't thinking to make a serious project or even being a pro game developer. Uh i don't think i ever said this, but i was a comic artist and had dream to make an animation film of my own story-- LiaL. WAS. haha. I ended up distracted by making RPG Maker project with the characters from the comic project, it was so too i couldn't help being distracted, shame that the project is gone =_=.Until i was introduced by a friend from j-band community-- ghur, with Blue Destiny Arts team, working for a project called Destinia with clea. If i didn't happen to know this team, i don't think i will write this blog here now, haha, perhaps i am still a cover band member, or maybe i'll be a common office worker, who knows.
4. Experiencing teamwork and knowing its effectiveness
That was my first time working as a team for 'serious thing', beside band activity. My school days was so mediocre that i never joined up into project in a team, or maybe i just didn't interested back then.Moments in Blue Destiny Arts was amazing, we had basecamp, even though it was at the team leader's home--Harnatz, and i met some artists who are nice and fun to befriend with and we hang out lot of time too.
Here, I realized teamwork power was so OP, we can make things we don't even know, and because we can let anyone else be bothered about part what we don't like. I realized i am lazy, plus, i have bad determination to finish what i have started alone. Another power is, we don't need to decide EVERYthing alone.
I learned how to manage team even, how to communicate effectively and make schedule, to do list, etc, i never knew it would be as complicated.
5. Passion breakdown and 'dream change'
We (me with Blue Destiny Arts) made 2 RPG games, then the team got suspended due to some reasons, and the whole team walk their own path, including me, i was being a commission artist/ pro freelancer, clea too, as composer.I didn't think i'll ever be a game developer anymore, then continued to chase my dream as a comic artist. I got invited to a comic project (I Want to LIVE) with Kentasenin, also with some people, i felt kinda frustated and felt like giving up my dream. Why? The comic was one of top sellers they said (i don't really care about selling details =_=) , but i lack something in them. Financial is also one problem, but now i know making money from game is not easier than being comic artist, lol.
Second reason, knowing i couldn't reduce gaming time (which if i want to be pro comic artist, i need to seek reference by reading comics or at least watching movies, but i prefer playing video games, i wonder why), i was also feel that my ability to make game assets will be wasted if i pursue this path. With some thoughts, I decided to change my dream to game development, to conserve time to look up references which suit my hobby as a gamer, lol.
Thanks to Bai-- he invited me to another game developer team named Rebornz, knowing kodoktua, then trimutation team, which i got acquainted with hipon, and worked for Sword of August project.
Edit--- and community makes me grow up and learn much things gamedev related, even until now. If you're an Indonesian and into game development, you can't miss this community!
A little story of my game development team (and former)
Blue Destiny Arts

We gave birth to 2 project DESTINIA alpha, and Destinia ~White Crest~. Both of them are RPG Maker XP games. I'll share story about them next time since i don't think Destinia project has website or articles to read to.
Unfortunately the team got suspended. However, BIG thanks to this team for introducing me to game development world!
Rebornz, 3M/ trimutation

I contributed in Rundown from the Jail project (RMXP) in avatar faces, Sacred Seed (RMXP) in character design and illustration, Sword of August (Flash) (at some place it's still credited as trimutation but most of us are now on stellar so we claimed the title, and looks like the rest of the team are okay with it) in almost whatever haha. Actually Wonderland Cosa Nostra originally are trimutation's project, but we're the one ended up finishing it.
We had good times together without meeting in person (most of the time). But in the end I left the team due to lack of productivity, initiative and communication.
Enthrean Guardian

We made Eternal Grace -episode I-, i contributed in art, story, level design, event programming. This is also an internet powered team lol. I learned much more about teamwork power, mainly i level up my communication skills.

Seems like i couldn't help but continue to make games, invited hipon in and here we are now.
So that's my story about how i became game developer until now, i hope i can inspire people with sharing little stories of mine. (OMG so much links, ppl might thought they're ads rofl) Anyway thanks for reading and have a nice day. :)~Lazcht out