It’s been a while since the last devlog, yeah March has been a busy month for us, we’re working on multiple projects at the same time and it does affect our work on #anuStar. But it’s been around 2 weeks since the last devlog, so it should show some updates right? let’s get into it.
New Ability
We have tested and played this game for thousand times and we felt that we need to add more ability to our hero, Sol. At first, I didn’t agree with this idea because it would break the balance, but since the idea was quite interesing, I gave it a try.
So the new ability is called “Gallop”. It’s basically a dash move like megaman, the difference is that it does some damage and knocks enemy back. it is a multipurpose ability that could be used for dodging and breaking goey chaos.
It’s quite hard to implement this ability and it also needs a lot of changes until it feels right. It’s time consuming but it fits the gameplay well and it feels good knocking back enemies with this move.

Boss Rush
Project #anuStar concept is high-intensity action sidescroller with some comedy. This game is more like Gunstar Heroes or Contra 3, if you expect highly platforming action like megaman X you wont find it here. #anuStar has very minimal emphasis in platforming, it’s boss-heavy game like Contra 3 where every 2 screens a boss appears.
We have been working on 2 minibosses so far, I personally quite satisfied with the result. As the boss designer myself I tried to add some elements from classic games like pong and tetris in designing boss patterns. Why did I take some elements from classic games? Because classic games usually has very distinctive style and it only uses simple movement, it’s easy to make and feels unique when mixed with #anuStar.

can you guess the reference?
Phew, that’s already a lot to share. I didn’t expect I would write this much..
Until next time!