Jan 23, 2014

PIXLE II devlog ~02: We missed you!

Happy new year, folks. Lazcht tuning in!

It's first post since 2014. What's up there? In Jakarta when i live in, some places are still flooded, but luckily not my place (yet).

Been a while i'm not writing here, well we got Chel to cover us up and tell some development shits so we can slack a bit now lol, -edit- Chel is going off for certain time due to some personal problems.

So yeah i was kinda losing my ability to blog or doing networking etc since months ago. Lot of things happened IRL too as i need to adjust stuff to improve my productivity to even better than before.

Currently i'm being greedy working on multiple small projects after PIXLE II is done. some artbooks, collab game, prototype, and Montage Roux (i'll reserve my time later to post about this project, i swear this time)

Also this has been forever since the devlog~01, so maybe you want to read it again (as well myself).


It's done. Now looking for sponsor, so it might be slight change due to requests (if any). We put some stories to spice up the content, adding more achievements, and 100% completion medal. Fixing tutorials, putting up ingame hints for total newbie.

If you're a sponsor and interested with PIXLE II (and want to try the demo), please contact us right away! ;)