Nov 5, 2013

Late Weekly Report for Loooong Weekend *again*

Heyaaa!! Vichelyna's here on weekly report *again* *doh*
Anyway, on Oct 31 2013, Stellar Null was on JCC, Senayan giving some speech *ahem* for Jakarta Game Show 2013. Clea and I were talking about game trend :D *we will upload the slides soon* *after approval* heheee..

(Left to right) - Moderator - Vichelyna - Clea - Anton from TouchTen
Jakarta Game Show 2013 @JCC Senayan, 31Oct'13

But anyway, how's Koutack doin'? We are working hard on Koutack for iPhone 5 resolution support, and new look on menu. We added more menu transitions so it'll be cooooooollllll~ After all, stellarNull reached around 30% better performance for iOS ;)

We really did some good jobs for this week! How bout having some beer to celebrate it? *beer*

Oct 15, 2013

Long Weekend Report

Heya folks! Vichelyna's here~
Hufftt.. Today is the last day of our long weekend in Indonesia and I'm still in front of my laptop and bring Stellar Null's weekly report to you~

Oct 11, 2013

The power of Expectation

Hi folks, today i'm bringing personal topic once again, i will write something motivational, or demotivational, or just something people already know, depends on perspective. I am an enthusiastic life observer sometimes, and i do care about psychological thingy, and personality developments.

This post will be asking you lot of questions, but you answer it yourself, or you can share it below (in comment section) if you interested :)


courtesy of google search
From the beginning, the moment we were born, or even before we were born, usually people already expect us to be A, B, C, so on. If not our parents, others do. So basically we can't avoid them being there in the first place. We've been living with it, some people need it as motivation, some treat it as great pressure, some other doesn't give a fuck, or choose to not think about it to save energy.

Interested with the topic? Read on! ;)

Oct 6, 2013

I Just Wanna Say "HELLO" ! *and some weekly report*

Attention please~
Hello! Vichelyna's here. I'm the newest member of Stellar-0 ;) *cheers*
What am I doing here? Emm.. Just playing around and reporting some of their work~ HAHAHAA*poke their asses*

Jul 26, 2013

PIXLE II devlog ~01: Whoa hello!

screenshot of PIXLE
Been a while like usual, folks! It's me Laz, as usual, reporting things that happens lately. ;)

Remember PIXLE? It's our game that released last year. It got lots of positive feedback, also some great inputs to fill holes in the game design and execution we thought it'd be good for a sequel.

Now we're making this project a sequel! It's more like an enhancement though. As we want to maximize PIXLE's potential without changing too much design.

We're collaborating with blue_mc, the same guy who ports PIXLE to android (port project will be continued after this if things goes as planned). What's hipon doing anyway? Ah he's doing fine in "Koutack iOS" project (not sure if its title will be changed later though), with me as the artist too.

Apr 18, 2013

Projects news

Long time no see!
Okay, so i just want to inform you guys about our current projects and what's our current plan with them:

Linoveus Cube

Surprisingly, we plan to suspend this project, due to the stress of the design and code mess, hipon said some things about the game should be changed otherwise it will be a failure. But to make that change, means almost to redo all the code from the start, and we decided to not force the project to continue, at least for now.

This is the sneakpeek record from us, personally (it's me Laz) i think it's a beautiful project, but it lacks of balance in ...the design depth. Even though the game was intended to be a Ludum Dare (3 days dev) game, then it transformed to a week game, then to months game, it's feels so hard to finish. Why? Lot of features were being cut down, and we were actually planning to pack it just like that, yet hipon didn't feel right to continue it, so we decide to suspend the project and start something else more manageable.

Let's just hope this project could be rebooted sometimes later.

Grand Steam

Still suspended for now. Project has a good potential, but we need to prioritize something else for now.
just a little reminder for you of how the game looks like.

Montage Roux

Ongoing, slowly but if everything's going according to the plan, it's going to be an interesting project. ^_^

PIXLE mobile porting experiment (collaboration with blue_mc)

He said he didn't want anyone to know yet, but i just don't feel good to not mentioning this project at all. It's still an experiment, so he doesn't want us to expect much of its completion (maybe?). So far so good though. XD

So what now?

What we want to focus most for now, is bringing Koutack to IOS platform. Hipon's doing research on starling and started to prototype things. So pardon us for not showing updates from the time being ^^;


Mar 4, 2013

Koutack viral release!

Hey, another news from us. Koutack is now available to play at our own portal, and...basically everywhere else, lol. We also uploaded new version that has some bug fixes and optimizations, also more quotes!

We're glad people actually like its challenge, and some of them even made video and text walkthrough, haha, deep gratitude to you guys! *salutes*

Play at Kongregate
Play at Newgrounds
Play at deviantArt
Play at Armorgames


And yeah, a free soundtrack for you! ;)

See you later!

Feb 22, 2013

Koutack released!

Play the Game!

Finally, Koutack is released! It's my first #1GAM (One game a month) game and surprisingly, it turned out good :D

When I started to work on game design, I wanted to make a game that has "minimum design and maximum gameplay". It took me several days to find some inspiration, I got inspiration mostly from traditional game, I didn't remember how exactly the gameplay is, but the goal is to get rid of balls or something until there's only one ball on the stage. After doing some calculation, prototyping and stuff, I'm satisfied with the final result.

Clea also did really good job in Audio, I thought clea would make a bit cheerful music but it turned out really different, but I like it so far, it gives unique feel to the game :D

More screenshots:

Anyway, I'm planning to write a post-mortem of this game, if everything goes smooth it would be here soon!

Hope you enjoy the game!


Jan 30, 2013

One Game A Month! Ready folks?

Actually i planned this (literally) back on 2012, yet after some discussion, we plan to NOT make games each month. We were planning to make more serious/deep games on 2012, which estimated would done in about 2-3 months. And TURNED OUT, we didn't deliver anything actually. Well, PIXLE, Wonderland Cosa Nostra and Late Lino were released last year, but two of them has already done on 2011, so i'd say, they don't really count.

Jan 1, 2013

Late Lino released! and testimonies~

Howdy folks, this is our first post in 2013, happy new year! Had quite fun in 2012? We did. And this is another game for you, from us.

As mentioned before in previously, Late Lino was actually game for Ludum Dare #22 entry, 1 year ago (2011). We made some minor changes and actually publish the game for new year gift. Good luck for you, have fun, and let us have even better new year :)