Who the hell?I'm called Lazcht, and then everyone keep asking who my REAL name was. Duh.. i don't have one! :P I am one of the founder of stellar-0, for now, i'm an artist who is managing some stuff at team.
Currently don't have idea what should i write now, but i ever wrote this 14 facts of myself long time ago from facebook's tag game, so i should copy paste some of this out some of it that's still valid LOL. *warning, i am very good at Engrish*
1. Gender-sex-O/I
I dislike gender discrimination, maybe because i myself dont want to be classified, female, male, any other genders. I had lot of hard times thinking of what "gender" i actually am. As physical, i knew, yeah one shud know their sex (physical body) when he/she don't wear anything, also u can ask your parents if u don't really sure, lol. What i was talking about is the "gender" i mean gender here, is the "inner part" or u can say, the psychological part, or the brain, or the role (you can google it). I know people don't give a fuck about both sex and gender, because NATURALLY, one have the same sex and gender, but i don't so i give fuck.For now, i just want to take it easy, but i still cant and dont want to classify myself which gender i am in, so i've been using "alien" or "third gender" haha. That's also one reason i changed my name to a more unisex name.
2. Hipster way.
I'm weird, meaning, i'm aware and kinda proud of it, i love something uncommon/non-mainstream, in a good way, sometimes bad way. Being commoner or trend follower isn't that interesting for me i suppose. I like something mind-blowing and unpredicted. Now you know why our games are not very mainstream-ish, intentionally or not. Using "i" rather than "I" to refer myself is a way to express that, in case you think i am typo-ing all the time.3. Vegetarian and meat-demands.
I'm vegetarian, (specifically, OVO-LACTO-VEGETARIAN) why? I am not as thoughtful as clea leshlick, if u noticed clea's post before. My current purpose is, i want to stop (or at least reduce) animal killing, and i know this is just small contribution i can do, because i can't stop it by simply kill anyone who want to kill animals...too extreme.I'm just thinking, animals killed because humans want to eat animals, it's demand and supply. So i stop my own demand of animal eating (or ppl say it as "meat"). It's different thing if human eats only already dead animals/ corpse, not purposely killed to fulfill human's satisfaction over meat freshness. I have heard stories about restaurant which they kill the animals in front of the customer for show, or extremely (sorry this is gonna be a bit gore story) there is kind of monkey brain menu, they have a special table which has hole in the middle to fit the head of the monkey (they put monkey under the table with the top of its head visible), then they open the monkey's skull and the customer eat the brain while the monkey still alive and struggling their life, under the table. How nice is that? And i heard lot of similar stories like that, not mentioning cute animals/ supposedly-to-be-pet animals get eaten. I don't give a fuck if they're cats, cows, alligator, if they have enough consciousness, emotions, they can feel pain like exactly human being, for me, they don't deserve to be killed for human's food, since human can survive with eating plants anyway.
I was eating lot of animals back years, i loved seafood so much, but now as i turned to a vegetarian for a long time, i don't think meats (any kind of them) are edible. So it's not "I'm not allowed to eat meat" as ppl often said, but "I don't consume animal meat".
4. However i am still 'human'
Based on previous paragraph, and other things, i kinda hate human. I hate some their culture, (maybe Asian) because i think animals, plants are the same level as humans. It's true that human are intelligent, but i dont think that's the reason animal's life not worth the same as human's life. i hate when they say "human is the highest race, the most intelligent, blahblah". I don't buy that shit... ._. But now to put it realistically, i live with human, i am also still human (5. Self-expression, Passion, Ambition.
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one of my <2007 creations |
My background is comic artist, i started to draw at young ages, mostly self-taught. I made original characters and kinda obsessed with them like nuts, but never get them into finished comic (actually i have been developing them until now). I have released a comic called "I Want to Live" project is not mine actually, a friend asked me to collaborate, but i never got worthy reward i was expecting and that's a big disappointment to me, so i quit being a comic artist and started to open art commission for financial purpose. i learned how the business works and learned how annoying or pleasing clients can be.
Ah i almost forgot, the moments i stop schooling, i entered the band which clea's in too, kyuusenshi as the bassist. I also interested in making RPG the time i know RPGMaker at PSX, i made an RPG with a character i developed alone in years. A friend of mine, ghur was suggesting me to work with his friend who have an RPG project, and we (me and clea) entered the team. That's the big point on how i started as a game developer, but i write the details over here.
I learned i have to focus to reach goals faster than the others who are multitasking, i realized time goes on too fast and stopped to live my life randomly without projecting my passion on something big. I killed my passion on comic world, some of band's passion, converting it to game development's passion. How could i do that? I dunno, honestly i can't totally bury them away (and i don't think i don't need to do that), but i try my best to focus on building, crafting, decorate, raising (or all other words can be used) stellar-0 and its projects.
6. Having too many hobbies.
Do you have many hobbies? I do, sometimes i think i have way too much i could get distracted easily. I get interested with many things: martial arts, sports, culinary, fashion, hairdressing, spirituality, traveling, singing, musical instruments, musical composition, sound effect making, adventure, animals, architecture, games, occult, nature, psychology, technology, sculpture, web designs, traditional art, street art, digital art, etc many more that i even of my experiments |
I can say i am the type who can learn things quickly thanks to that, so i get interested to many things fast. And i love to experiment.
Not that im good with all of my hobbies above, some of them keep being a hobby, and a little of them are being crucial part of my life now. I sometimes made a little money from cutting friend's hair. I cut my hair myself, i dunno why, but i can't seem to trust others to cut my hair haha. I can write about my other hobbies next time.
7. Bonds, life and humor.
I don't give shits about blood related or not blood related relationship, friend or relatives or siblings, i feel close with the one i like being with, mostly the most frequent person talk with me. By making friends or knowing people i don't pick genders too, oh.. perhaps same thing goes with love life too.I face life like playing a "real" game. A BIG MMORPG PROJECT! I never get into any religion seriously, nor i do research about them deeply, it's just too troublesome for me to care about. Spiritually, i don't stick to any religion, nor believing certain gods i'm not sure whether it's there or not, i usually just trust in something logical, and cool. haha. I like to learn supernatural powers.
I like humor and often can be too cynical/ sarcastic to some people. I sound ignorant, but maybe just they're the one being ignorant to my perspective? lol. I was a serious person, seriously serious melancholic thinker, until i took an arrow--blah blah i dont play SKYRIM. noticed a lot of stuff can't be seen when you're in too serious state, Y SO SRS? haha im just kidding...or not. Ah and i sometimes sound (or maybe is) arrogant and cocky.
credit to google |
8. Flexibility and compatibility.
I usually try to be flexible in order to face life humorously haha. My personality develops or changes as time goes by, i like to keep progressing my personality so i don't bore my inner-self, or vice versa :/ I often try to learn people's psychology or mimic their habit, how they talk, and express something. I try to raise my compatibility with people i hang around lot of time (usually online friends and co worker), so i can minimize communication failures, but sometimes shit happens, that taught me i can't always get what i aimed. See, stellar-0 is currently only having a virtual studio (internet fueled). And fuckyeah, i am a good teamplayer *fuckyea.jpg*Epilogue:
This is
~Lazcht out!